Resident Services Coordinator
Roxane Burkhart
My name is Roxane. I took over as Resident Services Coordinator at Merica House right after Memorial Day.
I grew up in Dallas, Texas. My husband and I met in church and have been married for 30 years.
I have a Bachelor’s Degree from Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas, a beautiful little town in East Texas. My degree is in Criminal Justice, with a second major in English and a minor in Psychology.
I began my Criminal Justice career as a Parole Officer in Dallas. While it is a fascinating field, I wasn’t cut out for it. Life intervened and I resigned to begin our family.
My husband, a computer programmer, was offered a transfer to Washington, D.C. in 1995. We set out for Virginia with visions of snow in our heads!
We lived in Fredericksburg, Virginia, for 14 years, raising our sons in an atmosphere of family and faith. I was a stay-at-home Mom until my youngest son was in high school. Both my sons graduated from VCU in Richmond. One is still in Richmond, working as Tech Support for the State Corporation Commission. My eldest lives in Philadelphia as a Service Coordinator with Pathways to Housing. Neither are married yet.
Eleven years ago I began mentoring developmentally delayed teens. A year later I took a part-time job in a day program, spending my day with 25 developmentally delayed Senior Citizens. This was a joy. After 3 years I moved into Group Home supervisory jobs.
Once our children were gone for good, my husband and I moved to our current home in Ashburn, Virginia.
After only a few days at Merica House, I realized this would be a completely different experience from my other jobs. The residents, their families, and the Board have welcomed and encouraged me.
The residents specifically are a delight. I love spending my days with them. They are always quick to laugh (with me – not at me). Their appreciation for even the slightest little contribution to their lives has inspired myself AND my husband (Merica House’s newest volunteer) with a passion to make Merica House as warm and “homey” as possible.