Voting Day

Voting Day

Tuesday, November 6, was Voting Day. Not surprisingly, we have some very opinionated residents at Merica House. They are proud of their ABILITY and right to vote. And quite fortuitously, their apartment building is its own polling location. Voting booths are set up in the lobby and there are many volunteers available to assist anyone who needs some help.

On Tuesday, Dee voted first, on her way out to a morning appointment. She has very strong feelings about politics. Like many in her generation, including my own children, she disagrees with her parents on all her views. We have some fun, teasing moments with each other.

Tuesday afternoon Cathy & Sharita went to vote. They came back reporting that the volunteers were extremely kind and even included some members from their church.

Sharita also has strong feelings about politics. I don’t tease her. She scares me.

Late in the afternoon Alvin asked Cathy & me if he could vote. He & I both remembered that he had completed registering to vote when the Community Services Board had sent him the paperwork to do so. He still seemed a little hesitant so Cathy offered to accompany him. He came back very proud of himself.

As I received a text from Matt saying that he was going to vote with his Dad at home that evening, Joe was brought to my desk by his Physical Therapist. She announced that she was going to help him vote. When Joe returned, he grudgingly allowed me to take a picture of him with his “I Voted” sticker on his shirt.

It’s very inspiring seeing all these residents vote. Knowing a little bit about how much they’ve overcome makes it all the more impactful that they continue not to let their disability stop them from exercising their freedom to vote.

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